Peoples' Connect Neon ||

Peoples’ Connect Neon ||

Hello, friend!

We consider it a huge privilege to connect with you via this medium. If this is the first time you are connecting with us, we are glad to meet you.  

We are your best branding hub, from the idea to the reality, reflecting the brand personality of each client. We manage and promote artists, brand identities, and events at all levels.  

Call to have the ultimate experience with our services today; mail: or 08032155367. We will be thankful to be a part of your successful journey

Money-By-Lifted-Emontonghan- @peoplesconnect -

Lifted Serimone Emontonghan – Money || @peoplesconnect

The global digital release of “Lifted Serimone Emontonghan: Money” has been announced.

Looking back at all the moments and efforts we spent building ourselves up to become a better person daily and the results we achieved in our strive forced some into constant happiness and some into a state of depression without their knowledge.

Lifted Serimone Emontonghan’s – Money Ep has succeeded in handling and serving the rest that should come with all our works here on earth.

Each song in this collection is designed to play a role in your trying moments and to keep you highly coordinated and motivated in your activities.

This EP was inspired by a widow’s story, in which she had all her desires fulfilled until her husband passed. As a wife, she could reach out and do as it pleased her, but now she needs to be rescued from moments she never believed existed among some races. She has talents and great intelligence but is helpless within.

Lifted Serimone Emontonghan’s Money, Ep, is specially dedicated to all who are going through some confusion that cannot be explained. We (People’s Connect) is here to hold hands with you.

Remember to tell someone special to you about this project, repay as often as possible, download, and drop a comment. Cheers

Management (People’s Connect)