Dream Again Nigeria || www.pplesconet.com || @peoplesconnect

Dream Again Nigeria

Indeed, the concept of vision extends beyond mere sight. It encompasses the ability to perceive a purpose, a direction, and a calling that transcends the mundane. As the ancient wisdom of Proverbs 29:18 reminds us, “Where there is no vision, the people perish” 1. This vision is not limited to physical eyesight but rather the inner clarity that propels us forward.

Men with vision are like architects of their own destiny. They construct bridges between aspirations and reality, laying down the blueprint for a meaningful existence. Let’s explore this further:

  1. The Visionary: A man with vision is not content with drifting through life. He gazes beyond the horizon, imagining possibilities, and then sets sail toward them. His purpose becomes a compass, guiding him through storms and calm seas alike.
  2. The Sleeper and the Waker: Some men merely exist, caught in the cycle of waking, working, and sleeping. They float along, carried by the tides of routine. But the visionary awakens each day with purpose—a hunger to create, to impact, and to leave a legacy.
  3. Profit Beyond Currency: While profit often implies financial gain, the true profit lies in fulfillment. Visionaries invest their days in pursuits that enrich their souls, leaving a mark on the world. They understand that life’s ledger isn’t just about dollars; it’s about impact.
  4. Dreams as Currency: Visionaries trade in dreams. They accumulate them, invest them wisely, and reap dividends of joy, meaning, and connection. Each dream is a seed planted in the fertile soil of possibility.
  5. The Morning Sun: Just as the sun rises each day, visionaries rise with purpose. They know that every dawn brings fresh opportunities—a canvas waiting for strokes of intention. They dream again, even when yesterday’s dreams seem distant.

So, my fellow travelers on this earthly journey, let us not merely pass by. Let us be architects, dreamers, and visionaries. For in the tapestry of existence, it is the threads of purpose that weave the most vibrant patterns.

Dream on, my friend. Dream boldly, and may your visions shape the world around you. ????

Causes and remedies for depression || www.pplesconet.com

Causes And Remedies For Depression

If depression was a pattern, then there is a possibility of working through the human race to avoid passing this experience. The worst I have seen is successful men ending up depressed over their success after a long period of commitment to a purpose.

A rich man had everything at his disposal, and life looked good until he lost his first son in an event that looked simple. While he was still battling with the shock, after about six months, he lost his wife to an illness that challenged all he had believed. When she finally gave up the ghost, this rich man cried in pain and confusion, asking God why he had lost trust and faith in all he had believed, and fell into a state we will be considering his type.

1. Major Depressive Disorder (MDD): This is the most common type of depression and is diagnosed when an individual experiences persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and a loss of interest in daily activities for at least two weeks. Other symptoms may include changes in appetite, sleep disturbances, low energy, and difficulty concentrating.

2. Persistent Depressive Disorder (PDD): Formerly referred to as dysthymia, PDD involves chronic but less severe depressive symptoms that persist for at least two years, with episodes of major depression occurring intermittently.

3. Postpartum Depression (PPD): This type of depression occurs in new mothers after giving birth and is characterized by symptoms such as anxiety, mood swings, difficulty bonding with the newborn, and feelings of inadequacy.

4. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD): SAD is a type of depression that occurs during the winter months when there is less sunlight and changes in circadian rhythm may contribute to symptoms such as fatigue, oversleeping, and weight gain.

5. Bipolar Disorder: This involves cycling between episodes of depression and mania, characterized by high energy, impulsivity, and reckless behavior.

6. Psychotic Depression: This rare but severe form of depression can include symptoms such as delusions and hallucinations, along with a depressed mood and significant impairment in daily functioning.

7. Situational depression: This type of depression arises from specific stressful or traumatic events, such as job loss or the death of a loved one, and may improve as the individual transitions through the situation.

Why worry about matters that are sometimes beyond your control? Worrying distorts a man’s focus and brings all his works to stand still as he wanders in a position for too long a time.

Let’s consider the Israelite nation in the wilderness. You will notice that as they started and continued mooing over lighter matters, they continued going around the same mountain until God instructed Moses, You have dwelled too long in this mountain; go forward. Imagine they journeyed 40 years on a journey that should take 40 days.

We must be careful with what we do with this one life we have as a gift from the maker. There is a maker of man who is the completeness of man’s well-being. After the creation of man, a spot in his heart is filled with the maker’s love. Man was not created to be independent, as no man is designed to be self-made. Man has the might to depend on another man and God to find his fulfillment.

In conclusion, learn the habit of telling yourself the truth and finding help when needed, because most people cannot tell if they are depressed or not. Stay strengthened and blessed.

Remember to drop your contribution in the comments below, as people will draw strength from your comment, and follow us on all social media platforms: @peoplesconnect.

The Origin of depression  || www.pplesconet.com

What has happened? Man was not created to find events that were totally out of his control that could lead to a state of confusion and depression, but as generations continued, men, in their modernization and civilization, formed habits that suggested separation and loneliness in their work on earth, turning hearts against hearts.

The origin of depression is complex and can be influenced by a combination of biological, genetic, environmental, and psychological factors, among others. Cases of depression are not unique to this generation; they have existed since the beginning of mankind; they have been there for a long time, with an estimated 5% of adults suffering its effects.

Great Christians, Iraq, and other religious legends also suffered from depression at one time or another: Job, Elijah, David, Jeremiah, and a lot more. If you find yourself facing any form of depression, you need to understand that the next man who is looking happy and lighting up the room could be facing a type of depression. Sadness is not the major cause of depression; very happy people sometimes hide their pain and deceive everyone around them.

Here are some key factors that can contribute to the development of depression: 1. Biological factors: Neurochemical imbalances in the brain, such as a decrease in serotonin, dopamine, or norepinephrine levels, can affect mood regulation and potentially contribute to the onset of depression. Additionally, hormonal changes, such as those that occur during pregnancy, the postpartum period, or menopause, can also play a role.

2. Genetic factors: There is evidence that depression can run in families, suggesting a genetic component. Certain gene variations may increase an individual’s vulnerability to developing depression, though it is typically a combination of multiple genes rather than a single gene that contributes to the risk.

3. Environmental factors: stressful life events, such as the loss of a loved one, relationship problems, financial difficulties, health issues, or trauma, can trigger or exacerbate depressive symptoms. Childhood experiences, including early adversity, abuse, neglect, or adverse upbringing, may also contribute to the development of depression later in life.

4. Psychological factors: Personality traits, such as low self-esteem, negative thinking patterns, or a tendency towards perfectionism, can make individuals more susceptible to experiencing depression. Additionally, individuals with certain psychosocial factors, like a lack of social support or poor coping mechanisms, may be at higher risk. It is important to note that depression is a complex disorder and may have different origins for different individuals. Additionally, the interplay between these factors can vary greatly from person to person, making it challenging to pinpoint a single cause of depression. Several different types of depression are diagnosed based on the severity, duration, and specific symptoms experienced by an individual.

Staying down is an option, but choose to get back up again.

Signs and symptoms of depression | pplesconet.com

Signs And Symptoms Of Depression

Depression is a word on most peoples lips. We all have a thing about it. We most times see friends, colleagues etc passing through a feel of life and tag it depression because the person probably looks sober. However, depression is far beyond all we see…..

To be able to get a grip, one needs to do a soul searching with such questions like;

What is my response to the happenings around me?
What do I give too much attention to?
These are important to a man’s well-being because some depressed people do not even realize it till it is late.

What is depression?

Depression is a mental health condition that can affect a person’s thoughts, feelings, and behavior. It is characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and a lack of interest or pleasure in activities that were previously enjoyable.

The worst scenario is a man losing control of his feelings but lacking the ability to tell what the happenings are. Man is designed to encounter challenges that are not likely to overshadow him, but sometimes, if not well managed, these challenges can lead a man’s focus out of the way and start giving attention to what is not real and enlarging it in the thought mind until it is out of control of the individual.

Symptoms of depression can vary in intensity and may include:
– Sleep disturbances 
– Change in appetite, weight Fatigue or low energy difficulty
– concentrating or making decisions
– feelings of worthlessness
– guilt 
– Thoughts of suicide or a self-harm. 

Depression can arise from a combination of genetic, biological, environmental, and psychological factors. It can affect people of all ages, genders, and backgrounds. This is to say, a case is not special to anyone; it can happen to anyone. Depression can be seen as an issue that everyone is suffering from and should be given immediate attention.

Treatment for depression may involve medication, therapy, lifestyle changes, or a combination of these approaches. With proper treatment, most people with depression can manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life.

Food for thought: nothing should be held in too high esteem because everything carries the ability to fail. Put yourself together; see you on your best day

Do well to drop your contributions and share with friends and family, together let’s safe a soul today

#depression #symptoms #peoplesconnect

Written by Lifted Serimone Emontonghan with contribution by Chris N. John