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Dream Again Nigeria

Indeed, the concept of vision extends beyond mere sight. It encompasses the ability to perceive a purpose, a direction, and a calling that transcends the mundane. As the ancient wisdom of Proverbs 29:18 reminds us, “Where there is no vision, the people perish” 1. This vision is not limited to physical eyesight but rather the inner clarity that propels us forward.

Men with vision are like architects of their own destiny. They construct bridges between aspirations and reality, laying down the blueprint for a meaningful existence. Let’s explore this further:

  1. The Visionary: A man with vision is not content with drifting through life. He gazes beyond the horizon, imagining possibilities, and then sets sail toward them. His purpose becomes a compass, guiding him through storms and calm seas alike.
  2. The Sleeper and the Waker: Some men merely exist, caught in the cycle of waking, working, and sleeping. They float along, carried by the tides of routine. But the visionary awakens each day with purpose—a hunger to create, to impact, and to leave a legacy.
  3. Profit Beyond Currency: While profit often implies financial gain, the true profit lies in fulfillment. Visionaries invest their days in pursuits that enrich their souls, leaving a mark on the world. They understand that life’s ledger isn’t just about dollars; it’s about impact.
  4. Dreams as Currency: Visionaries trade in dreams. They accumulate them, invest them wisely, and reap dividends of joy, meaning, and connection. Each dream is a seed planted in the fertile soil of possibility.
  5. The Morning Sun: Just as the sun rises each day, visionaries rise with purpose. They know that every dawn brings fresh opportunities—a canvas waiting for strokes of intention. They dream again, even when yesterday’s dreams seem distant.

So, my fellow travelers on this earthly journey, let us not merely pass by. Let us be architects, dreamers, and visionaries. For in the tapestry of existence, it is the threads of purpose that weave the most vibrant patterns.

Dream on, my friend. Dream boldly, and may your visions shape the world around you. ????

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